Let's Grow This Thing!
Michael Moolhuyzen's Page
Michael Moolhuyzen's Page
Goal: $1500
Goal: $1500

Welcome friends and family!  As you know, it is that time of the year again where my friends and I decide to look as creepy as possible for charity as we grow out our mustaches.  This is my third year doing this and I have raised $1,000 and $1,500 in the past two years.  I hope to keep the same trajectory this year!  Feel free to donate as much or as little as you can, but no worries if not, you can still follow along the fun.  Every little bit helps and I hope my mustache can put a smile on your face!  Below is a like to the home page where you can learn more about the cause, I have also put a link to two of my buddies' pages so you can check them out too.  Thanks!




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