This marks the fourth year I have participated in Mustaches 4 Kids. First off, thank you very much to everyone that donated and participated. Last year with everyone’s generous help I was able to raise over $4,500, and our Old Dominion team raised just over $87,000 to help children in need. Overall, M4K Richmond raised $850,000 in 1 month with 100% of the proceeds going to help LOCAL children’s charities!
For those not familiar, M4K collectively grow mustaches and solicit donations to support ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation, Children’s Hospital Foundation, SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now), Feedmore, and Richmond Friends of the Homeless. In which, 100% goes straight to the charities, which is pretty unheard of. Please take a minute to visit my page and if possible make a donation. The event this year will start on November 2nd and run through December 2nd, I will be sending weekly emails and posting updates/pictures for the next 30 days as this goes on. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who may be interested in helping a great cause.
Thanks for helping make a difference.