Let's Grow This Thing!
Mike Goldman*'s Page
Mike Goldman*'s Page
Member of Sportable team
Member of Sportable team
Goal: $2500
Goal: $2500

It's that time of year again.  I have been ditching the razor in November for about 11 years, but this is my first year joining the M4K Richmond group, and I'm excited to do it.  I recently joined the Sportable board of directors, and I love the mission to provide sport and recreational opportunities to those with physical and visual disabilities throughout central Virginia.  When I found out Sportable was a charity supported by M4K it made perfect sense to join the M4K growers and benefit Sportable at the same time.  

Please join me in ditching the razor for a month, or just join me in suporting Sportable and the other great charities that benefit from all of us making fools of ourselves during this wonderful time of Thanks and Growing.

Give and give generously...please!

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