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25 donations have been made to this participant. $50.00 Marshall Schutt $75.00 Anonymous $50.00 Sonya Knorr $100.00 Goose Match $500.00 Ashley and Casey Tischer $50.00 Anonymous $200.00 Chad Joyce $100.00 Daniel Markley $100.00 Martha Proutt $100.00 Jane Cecil $50.00 kay burton $50.00 Michael Moran $300.00 Match Day $1,000.00 Robert Call $50.00 Lucien Roberts $50.00 Match Day $250.00 Lilibet & Peter Kyte $50.00 JJ Bew $300.00 Peter Farrell $300.00 Penny Gugino $50.00 Peter Iwancio $500.00 SUSAN VAUGHAN $250.00 Richie & Lee Hilbert $500.00 Cameron Wick $150.00 Jessie Stanwix
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