Let's Grow This Thing!
David Abel*'s Page
David Abel*'s Page
Goal: $1500
Goal: $1500
$1,560.00 raised by 32 donors
$1,560.00 raised by 32 donors

Donating is far easier than asking for donations, but this is for the children. I thank you for validating my discomfort. 

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Recent contributors

32 donations have been made to this participant.
Troy Bower
Match Day
Stacey and Joe Trottier
Julie Bampton
Ted Trebour
Chad Harcum
Brendan Kennedy
Match Day
Brendan Kennedy
Chris Wills
Willie Jones
Brandon Thornsvard
Adam Kozuch
Meisha Evans
Lisa & Jim Simes
Carl Espy IV
Leonardo Concepcion
Robert Rivera
Cody Remington
mark mcauliffe
Sarah and Dan Elam
Carlos Rojas
Match Day
Kevin Cloe
Troy Bower
Brandon Ream
Kim Allman
Dunavant Engineering

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