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59 donations have been made to this participant. $50.00 WILLIAM TOPPING $500.00 Matt Brown $2,584.00 John Waters $500.00 Anonymous $200.00 Patrick Sullivan $500.00 Anonymous $3,316.00 The Wolf $500.00 Mean Gene $200.00 Christopher Johannsen $50.00 Clay & Corinna Grogan $100.00 Shannon Webb $100.00 Nathan Holston $100.00 Jeff Duerbeck $250.00 Eric Robison $1,500.00 Maynard Hughes $250.00 Matt & Katherine Kapinos $3,100.00 Friends of the Wolf $500.00 Tim Elder $100.00 Steve Iddings $100.00 Chad Joyce $200.00 Justin Calliott $100.00 Pat Harris $50.00 Tony Mowad $50.00 Eileen Waters $250.00 Jimmy and Amanda Biringer $100.00 DAVID DOWDY $2,500.00 Kevin Williamson $1,000.00 Michael Easter $250.00 Christina and Harold Ellis $150.00 Ashley & Erik King $1,000.00 Match Day $50.00 Shane Parrish $100.00 J.J. Eiden $1,500.00 James Biringer $500.00 Truist Match $100.00 MGM National Harbor $250.00 Brad Swartzwelder $500.00 Matthew Waters $250.00 Ken Grap $100.00 Cynthia Iracane $1,000.00 David Hayes $25.00 Jeff Raihall $50.00 Jason Fenchuk $100.00 David Fahy $500.00 TRAVIS HARDING $50.00 Doug Wixted $100.00 Steve & Judy Williamson $350.00 Kathleen & John Waters $100.00 SCOTT PRISCO $100.00 John Coligan $50.00 Mark Sellew $250.00 Anonymous $100.00 Anonymous $1,000.00 Jeff Foster $100.00 Leo Sanchez $50.00 Diane Frey $250.00 Chris Proost $500.00 Lou & Jill Marmo $2,000.00 Christy and David Cottrell
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