Let's Grow This Thing!
Kellan Peterson's Page
Kellan Peterson's Page
Team captain of L.F. Jennings team
Team captain of L.F. Jennings team
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000
Raised by 5 donors
Raised by 5 donors

Thank you for considering supporting my M4K efforts for the third year. I am looking forward to raising my goal of $1,000 towards the various incredible charities that M4K has partnered up with including SCAN, whose mission is to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect throughout the Greater Richmond area by protecting children, promoting positive parenting, strengthening families and creating a community that values and cares for its children.

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Recent contributors

5 donations have been made to this participant.
Match Day
John Martin
Match Day
Allison Ellis
Roxanne Winfrey

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