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23 donations have been made to this participant. $25.00 Peter Coyne $25.00 Andrew Cosby $50.00 Match Day $50.00 Haley Jacobs $50.00 Bonnie & Jimmy Giles $50.00 Jake & Debbie Jacobs $50.00 Anonymous $25.00 cheny Mendez $50.00 Charles Crutchfield $110.00 Match Day $50.00 Denise Wilson $100.00 Jackie peters $100.00 Ashley Bigheart $50.00 Torque Supply $25.00 Sergio Negrete $25.00 SPC Employee $50.00 Anonymous $150.00 Floyd McCabe $100.00 Shawn Taylor $50.00 Kyle Chandler $100.00 Jeff Boynton $50.00 John Huddle $100.00 Derek Gilmore
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