Let's Grow This Thing!
Our Amazing Fighters Page
Our Amazing Fighters Page
Goal: $5000
Goal: $5000
$7,167.03 raised by 12 donors
$7,167.03 raised by 12 donors

Our Amazing Fighters is a local non-profit committed to raising awareness, providing support, and spreading joy to kids and their families in the fight against pediatric cancer. We believe every family fighting this disease should have a community fighting alongside them so when you make a donation or join our team in growing a mustache, you are helping show these families that they are not alone.


Together, we can make a difference in the lives of kids fighting childhood cancer. 

Team members

Recent contributors

76 donations have been made to this team.
Kellye Ruckman
Kendall Ott
Wes Hoagland
Final Week Match
Final Week Match
Final Week Match
Final Week Match
Scott Birthisel
Ellen Moon
Carla Dillard

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