Let's Grow This Thing!
Sean Higgins*'s Page
Sean Higgins*'s Page
Goal: $250
Goal: $250
$3,500.00 raised by 30 donors
$3,500.00 raised by 30 donors

Long time giver- first time grower. Given that I live next door to the "Wiggler", I am thinking of going with the "Higler" as my mustache-sporting alter ego. I am looking forward to finally seeing what my upper lip can bring in for the kids. 

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Recent contributors

30 donations have been made to this participant.
Nicholas Johnson
Pat Minnick
Matt McLaughlin
Thomas Toohey
Alan Lasher
Nicholas Rich
Susan Storer
Julie Reznicek
Best Stache on Ashton Cove
Patrick DesMarteau
Match Day
Matt Shrader
Abey & Rich Higgins
Brian Pott
Bruce Ferris
Match Day
Paul Lacadose III
Bill & Suzanne Mistr Mistr
Renazer The Laser
Jared Connell
Steve Mead
John Ryall
Team Shea
Phil Coffey
Scott O'Connell
Hunter Marshall

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