Let's Grow This Thing!
John Stemmle's Page
John Stemmle's Page
Member of Terrapin Stachin team
Member of Terrapin Stachin team
Goal: $10000
Goal: $10000
$13,420.00 raised by 29 donors
$13,420.00 raised by 29 donors

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Recent contributors

29 donations have been made to this participant.
Reiner Smith
Chris Utz
Final Week Match
Byron Holmes
Jack Manuel
Gene Johnston
Chris Burnette
Paul Flick
Connie Trikoulis
Thanksgiving Match
Clay Wheeler
11/15 Match
Tanya Mason
Whit Shane
Chris Card
William Schooley
Taylor Cantrell
Paul Amos
Thomas Owen Jr
michael knoche
Wayne Abbott
Aaron Hutch
Keith & Tina Stemmle & Cave
11/8 Match
Matt Davis
William Davis
Kevin Renn

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