Let's Grow This Thing!
ASCV Stubble Squad's Page
ASCV Stubble Squad's Page
Goal: $25000
Goal: $25000
$215.00 raised by 6 donors
$215.00 raised by 6 donors

We’re the ASCV Stubble Squad, and we’re not just growing stubble for the fun of it (though we do look fabulous)! These legendary lip warmers are raising funds for something truly important—supporting the Autism Society of Central Virginia’s life-changing programs for autistic youth and their families.

These programs, including camps and social activities, offer a safe, supportive space where autistic kids can build social skills, gain confidence, and have fun. They provide an environment tailored to the unique needs of the autistic community, giving participants the opportunity to engage with others, develop life skills, and thrive.

But here’s the challenge: many members of our community face long waitlists for these programs because the demand is so high, and there aren’t many other options locally that provide organized social and recreational opportunities and offer the level of support that they often need to participate. By growing a stylish mustache or making a donation, you’ll help us expand these programs so more kids can get off the waitlist and into activities designed just for them.

Join the ASCV Stubble Squad today and help create more opportunities for autistic people in our community!

Team members

Recent contributors

6 donations have been made to this team.
Dennis McLoughlin
Kate Fletcher
Rachel Krodel
Jenny Lowell
Britt Nelson

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