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23 donations have been made to this participant. $25.00 Match Day $50.00 Jennifer Johns $50.00 Chris Carter $250.00 Jill Johns $25.00 danica powell $50.00 James Foley $20.00 Jonathan Noggle $20.00 JOSE YOHANNAN $50.00 Match Day $100.00 Elke Turner $30.00 Anonymous $35.00 Katelyn Johns $50.00 L&K Bradley $25.00 Bill Figaro $20.00 Slick Rick $50.00 Mary Beth Holtzman $20.00 Meritt Johns $20.00 Karen Hollomon $50.00 Drew Peacock $20.00 Thomas Porzio $50.00 Patty Bane $20.00 Kevin Johns $10.00 Shelli Cabana
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