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30 donations have been made to this participant. $25.00 Eric Foley $10.00 Benjamin Bixler $50.00 Chris Jones $100.00 Cyrus Donaldson $100.00 Mark Roberts $50.00 Anonymous $100.00 Brian McCullough $20.00 Katie Reed $100.00 Ryan Inman $150.00 Will & Ginny Boland $50.00 Matt Jones $50.00 Laura Adilman $25.00 Match Day $100.00 Frederick Nolde $100.00 Blair and Patrick McDuff $100.00 Ryan Britton $100.00 Jay Calabro $500.00 Patricia Morris $50.00 Phillip Perrow $25.00 Nicholas Smith $50.00 Benjamin Gelem $100.00 John Lautemann $100.00 Anonymous $100.00 Ian Batt $250.00 Betsy Roberts $100.00 Rosalind Boyle $100.00 Jason Wahl $100.00 Ted Gary $150.00 Suzanne Morris $200.00 Katie Morris
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